Case Studies

Customer Profile

Bridgestone Firestone is part of an international family of enterprises with more than 50 production facilities and more than 43,000 employees throughout the Americas.


North America (U.S. and Canada)


Tires for passenger cars, trucks and buses, construction and mining vehicles, industrial machinery, agricultural machinery, aircrafts, motorcycles and other vehicles; automotive maintenance and repair services.


Monitor and report on Supply Point performance.

"The Bridgestone Firestone Purchase Resale Program was initiated in 2000. The object of the program was to provide Auto Dealerships, Muffler and Brake Shops, and Service Stations the ability to sell Bridgestone Firestone tires to end users."



Bridgestone Firestone Purchase Resale needed a way to check and balance Supply Points to ensure orders from Saturn stores were processed and delivered in a timely manner. Repeated calls from Saturn locations indicated that Supply Points were not delivering product within the timeframe specified in their agreements.


Marketing Alternatives proposed any orders sent to a Supply Point also be transmitted to Marketing Alternatives and subsequently imported into a database. Documentation logs were created and distributed to Supply Points for order tracking. An outbound initiative to follow-up with Supply Points within 48 hours of receipt of order was also implemented. Real-time reporting helped make management of the Supply Points more efficient from a regional and individual level.

Achieved and maintained order delivery rate of 98.9. Identified and corrected stock level issues. Identified non-compliant Supply Points (which were subsequently removed from the Program.)