Case Studies

Customer Profile

Dubuque County Right to Life is a non-profit, non-sectarian, educational organization dedicated to preserving and fostering respect for human life from conception to natural death.


Dubuque County, IA


Educational programs for schools and community groups


Quantify awareness levels and perceptions of Planned Parenthood.

"The information collected was invaluable in developing an advertising campaign that exposed the realities of the issues surrounding the‘health services’ provided by Planned Parenthood. I had the opportunity to monitor the survey calls on several occasions and was impressed with the Marketing Alternatives staff members assigned to our project. The interviewers were polite, respectful and very professional."
Steven Brody, Executive Director, Dubuque County Right to Life



Develop an impartial survey to address an emotionally charged topic without revealing the survey’s sponsor. Additionally, this initiative needed to quantify the awareness level and image of Planned Parenthood within the community. The research findings were ultimately used to help shape the ensuing advertising campaign.


Marketing Alternatives recognized the importance of conducting an impartial data collection effort that elicited honest responses and maximized the integrity of the sampling methodology.

A total of 400 interviews were ultimately completed to ensure a sampling error of less than five percent (5%). Our responsibilities included:

  • Procuring a calling database that was representative of the community’s population. The sample was drawn in proportion to the population in each of the six zip codes included within the area.
  • Staffing the project with interviewers who possessed the skills and personalities required to conduct open, unbiased dialogs with respondents.
  • Implementing a sample management plan to ensure all potential respondents had an equal opportunity to participate. This was accomplished by:
    • Daily randomization of the remaining un-finalized records.
    • Day-part rotation of calls to ensure call attempts took place during all day parts.
    • Conducting calls over 12 consecutive days to ensure all un-finalized records were attempted on each day of the week.