Kaskey Kids, Inc. markets a variety of sports-themed action figure toys for children. Orders for the toys from individual consumers as well as large retailers such as Dick’s Sporting Goods, Amazon, Learning Express and Zulily among others.
Streamline product receiving, inventory management and direct product fulfillment to customers.
Started in 2002, Kaskey Kids, Inc. markets a variety of sports-themed action figure toys for children. As demand for Kaskey Kids products grew, the company made the decision to partner with an outside resource for fulfillment which would allow its marketing team to focus on sales and new product development. MAI offered a start-to-finish solution with:
Using its proprietary web-based application (MARS) as a starting point, MAI created a customized inventory management system for Kaskey Kids that consolidates receiving, organizing and warehousing container loads of product from China along with processing of all e-commerce orders through one system. As orders are received, they are printed, picked, packed and shipped with 99.8% accuracy. Orders come from a variety of sources, including individual consumers and large retailers such as Dick’s Sporting Goods, Amazon, Quidsi (YoYo.com & Diapers.com), Learning Express and Zulily among others.
MAI’s dynamic staffing capabilities allow literally hundreds of orders per day to be picked, packed and shipped accurately and efficiently during peak holiday ordering seasons. This scalability was also called upon to quickly resolve a manufacturing error when “Buckeyes” was misspelled on an entire order of playing fields and labels. MAI organized a team to re-label and repack the inventory correctly.